Analysing the Internship Experiences of Supervisors and Teacher-Students of Farhangian University in Elementary Schools of Kerman

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor , Department of Education , Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Curriculum Planning, Officer of the Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the internship experiences of elementary professors of Shahid Bahonar and Khajeh Nasir campuses to improve the process of internship in Farhangian University.The approach and strategy of this research are qualitative. The subjects include all the faculty members, as well as the elementary major teacher-students having experienced internship at least for two semesters. The targeted sampling method was used to select the sample.11 professors and 16 teacher-students majoring elementary field in these campuses were interviewed and then the data of the interviews were analyzed in three stages of open, pivotal and selective coding to elicit concepts and categories. In this research, the pivot phenomenon is divided into three general categories: meritocracy, professional participation and training engineering. Identified causative conditions were also divided into three categories: laws and regulations, financial concerns, and flourishing plans and activities. Identifiable intervening factors including educational standards and the background factors are: assessment needs of education and supporting improving programs and, finally, the identified outcomes were: improving the teaching- learning process and responding to the needs of teacher-students.
